
The Ultimate Guide to Podcast Intro Music

Using podcast intro music is perhaps the best way to engage your audience, reinforce your brand and let your listeners know what your content is all about. As more business owners, content creators and reputable experts turn to podcasting as a means of engaging a starving audience, setting your brand apart from your competitors is equally crucial. By the end of this article you will understand where to find podcast intro music and how to use is legally without having to worry about copyright cla

How to Avoid YouTube Copyright Infringement Notifications

YouTube copyright infringement notifications are an unnverving experience. It can leave you feeling completely demoralized especially once punitive measures such as video demonitization occurs. To make things worse, hard to come by views, steady earnings and algorithmic recommendations quickly come to a grinding halt as embarrassment settles in. Here are a few pointers for keeping your YouTube videos safe from copyright infringement claims. Are Your Soundtracks, Images and Footage Copyright-Fre

The FTC and COPPA YouTube Crackdown

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